Thursday, April 9, 2009

I want to make money online, so can you help me?

Making decisions on ones future sometimes is quite challenging.

For quite some time, I’ve wanted to explore if I could make money online. As I’m not producing any products, and not selling any services at the moment, I’ve told myself it would not be possible. Lately though, I’ve come to understand that it IS possible and not very difficult to achieve. Of course Henry Ford was right when he stated that “If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right”. So in me not believing this would be possible I made things harder for myself. After I started investigating what to do and how to get started, I got quite intimidated by all the information out there.
The problem is not that there is not enough information out there. My challenge is more what to read and whom to believe. There are literally thousands of people on the internet claiming to have the best answers to both social marketing and how to get rich in 10 seconds doing nothing. Well, yes this is exaggerating, but you get my point, don’t you? So who am I to follow and what should I do? It might turn out to be a waste of my time and energy to just pick someone randomly and follow their recipe, but then again sitting around doing nothing about it might be the biggest waste. Being a fulltime student, working on my final project and getting my bachelors degree this summer, and a single mom with 3 kids, I feel my time is precious and I hate wasting it on bullshit. (Excuse the language, but that’s what pisses me off more than anything when people waste my time).

So here is my pledge to you that is really good in this field: If I can use 2-3 hours every day, what should I do to start making money quickly? I want to make real dollars, not just “paypal” money. Is this possible and how?

Please contact me on my e-mail or on twitter.