Monday, April 5, 2010

Appreciating contrast

I did promise to keep you posted on my documenting of things I find to appreciate in everyday life. When I contemplated my promise, I found out that in theory, I could sit for days and write pages up and down of things to appreciate and why to appreciate them.
A few of the things I´ve found to enjoy today are the smell of ocean, as I took a short trip down to the ocean with my girls today. I live about 30-40 minute drive from the ocean, so I’m not there that often in the winter time. It was both delicious for the eyes and the nose, and for the whole of my being to get out there today.

To hear the birds singing and welcoming spring, feeling the sun warm my face, knowing I still have a day off, smelling the forest waking up from its winter sleep. Even smallest things like the flower in my windowsill have been my excuses to feel good.

Remembering how life was back in the days, when life was hard and I was cranky and tired and too busy to enjoy just being alive, I realized that it might be wise to give those of you reading, that have not practiced this before, an example of how you can find something to appreciate in everything. And yes I truly mean EVERYTHING.

Of course it is sometimes extremely challenging, and you may need to give yourself some slack and wait till the storm blows over before contemplating what positive aspects you can draw from the situation.
My example for you is the weather, and I got inspired to make a short list, for the fun of it. The reason why I picked the weather is that it just is and doesn’t involve people that might happen to be in your face, and could disturb your feeling of appreciation.
• Sunshine is the obvious one for many people especially for those of us living far north of Equator. It is life giving, warming, helps to melt snow and boosts the humor. In addition we need sunshine in order for our bodies to make full use of the healthy food we eat and exploit vitamin D.
• Windstill is often very pleasant as it gives its own kind of peace to nature. No unpleasant smells from factories or farms will blow your way, and usually you will hear nature clearer.
• Wind brings you a breath of fresh air! Storm can even help you feel more in sync with nature, and more alive. It also helps produce electricity that is clean and doesn’t pollute the air!
• Rain will clear the air and wash away dust and sand, even dirt. It also, of course, nurtures both plants and animals. And where we utilize waterfalls to produce energy, it can also mean cheaper electricity in near future.
• Overclouded weather will give a stable temperature, both during the day, and at night. Where I live it can make the difference between frosts or not at night, especially in the springtime and in the autumn.
• Clear skies at night may reveal both the moon and the stars, giving you a perfect opportunity to contemplate the endlessness of the universe and your possibilities.

Of course this list is only just me scraping in the surface! The whole idea is for you to make your own list, or at least to contemplate and consider what good and delicious things you can find on your own. They may very well be pinpointed and narrowed down to details, if you wish!
Now it’s your turn to play! Have fun with it, and remember you cannot get it wrong!

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