Have you ever heard a spiritual teacher say that all is really ONE, that we are all one with everything and everyone? And that it so important to love everyone and everyting in order to live a whole and full life?
Well I’ve heard that a lot, wondering how on earth is that possible? I have even thought with all these stupid ignorant people, that are destructive and annoying it is impossible to feel love for everyone. And all those people that have hurt your feelings or your body in any way! Seeing things from that perspective it sure makes sense to believe in heaven and hell, and to hang on to a revengeful god and hope that karma or the justice system will one day pay them back as deserved. You might even have taken matters into your own hands and done something revengeful to another.
It has taken me many years, but I’ve finally found a place within myself where I’m able to really let go of those thoughts.
I want you to know that I too have been in a place in my life, where I blamed others for all things going wrong in my life. For a period early in my adult life, I blamed my parents for my unhappiness, later I blamed my (now ex) husband, I have blamed my siblings, coworkers, friends, strangers , the government and even my children for my own unhappiness.
So how does one go from there to this bliss of love for everything?
I think the answer to that is different for everyone. I’ve read a lot of different theories on how spiritual teachers, coaches and gurus have made that transition, and the common nominator is that they all found their own way. Some have used meditation, others prayer or they have perhaps had visions or experiences with the fourth dimension that has inspired them.
For me it has been, and still is a process and a work in progress. Through some tough times I have figured out that it all comes down to choice. We may not always feel we choose what happens to us and with us, but we do always have the free will to choose how we deal with it. That goes for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in your life. However, having lived many years or even decades of blaming, or experiencing lack of control over your destiny, it takes time to change the pattern of thoughts that brought you where you are emotionally.
I don’t intend to tell you how to live your life, or what to do to experience love for everything, but I can provide you with some of the things that helped me on my path. I don’t feel that love all the time, and in fact I don’t know of anyone that is walking this earth that feels like that all the time!
Some of what I’ve learned has been through other teachers and some has dawned upon me long after hearing or reading about it.
So here is a list of some of the things that have dawned upon me:
• You are where you are in life, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t expect quantum leaps or blame yourself for where you are. Going from feeling “off” to feeling wonderful is a process through all the emotions in between. Remember that there is nothing wrong with being angry or sad, you just don’t want to stay there too long.
• Often we have routines of thought that make us feel miserable, without us even realizing it. Start listening to what you say to yourself and you will be able to stop yourself before you lose control.
• Listening to negativity never makes us feel good. How about turning off the TV, ignoring discussions on what is wrong with everything and instead listening to music that makes you feel good? You will also find that people in general rather want to be positive, so by making positive remarks, you can help others as well as yourself turning negative discussions around.
• What you have experienced makes you unique and valuable to the world. It is your own uniqueness that is your biggest asset. Sometimes we need “bad” experiences to help us see something really important.
• Holding a grudge for another only makes YOU miserable. Just read the sentence word for word… why would you want to hold something negative FOR someone. They are capable of holding that stuff themselves, it’s not your responsibility. If you are able to see that, and chose to let go of negative emotions towards others, you are taking a big step towards controlling your experiences.
• Try focusing on the positive in everyone and everything. Often times it is too big of a challenge to do that when things are in your face, so to speak. Start with something easy, like your lover, your child, your pet or even your bed. After a while you will find that you are able to enjoy things you thought you hated, like washing the toilet or picking up trash from your driveway.
• It is of great value that we all are as different as we are. Just imagine what the world would be like if no one wanted to produce food, build houses or pick up the garbage! Isn’t it really wonderful that someone wants to serve the world by doing all the stuff you don’t want to do?
To me it was too big of a challenge to start loving everyone so I had to go through appreciation. I realized that through listening to wonderful Angela Gower-Johnson when she was a guest on Sydney Chase’s talk show, The Indigo Room.
I have mentioned the teachings of Abraham earlier in my blog, and they have influenced my life big time the past years. The core of their teachings is get happy! So I’ll round up this blog post by inviting you to contact me if you feel within yourself that I could contribute to your life in some way. Feel free to comment or send me an e-mail by clicking the envelope below.
I Choose... Willingness
3 months ago
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